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EMAIL: [email protected]
Summary of Skills
- Qualified U.S. Navy radiological control technician.
- Qualified U.S. Navy nuclear engineroom watch supervisor and all
subordinate mechanical watchstations.
- Accumulated 200+ college credits in calculus, statistics, physics,
chemistry, mechanical engineering, computer science, oceanography, accounting
and business management.
- Speaks Cantonese Chinese. Reads and writes basic characters.
- Operates computers with the MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows '95, Windows NT,
and Unix operating system
Work Experience
- Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Washington
- Physical Science Technician GS 10-5 [Jan. 1990 - Present]
- Establishes, operates, and secures radiation and radiological controlled
areas to facilitate nuclear fuel removal from U.S. Navy surface ships and
submarines, and their subsequent overhauls.
- Monitors and documents radiological work evolution's for compliance to the
Code of Federal Refulations, and NAVSEA command criteria.
- Monitors segregations and dispositions of PCB's, lead, and other hazardous
waste mixed in radioactive material.
- Anticipates and drills reactor plant and other radiological casualties.
- U.S. Navy
- Machinist Mate First Class Petty Officier Submarine Service - MM1/SS / E6
[Jul. 1981 - Aug. 1989]
- Supervised, operated, maintained, repaired and tested primary and secondary
mechanical systems associated with a reactor plant and steam driven propulsion
- Audited, supervised, and inspected preventive and repair nuclear works in
order to authenticate and document for Quality Assurance.
- Routinely monitored, analyzed, and added chemicals for two steam generators
to maintain their chemistry.
- Directly coordinated five divisions to upgrade all references and technical
manuals with up-to-date revisions and to expeditiously handle official
correspondence (as the Engineering Logroom Yeoman).
- Monitored the qualification progress of a twenty-men-work division and
produced engineering qualification and departmental check-in package for newly
assigned personnel.
- Olympic College
- Bremerton, Washington [1995-Present]
- University of Washington (branch-campus) / Olympic College 2+2 Bachelor of
Business Program
- Accumulated 200+ college credit.
- University of Washington
- Seattle , Washington [Oct. 1983 - Jan. 1985]
- U.S. Navy Schools and Courses
- Various U.S. locations [Oct. 1981 - Aug.. 1989]
- Nuclear Power School ( Mechanical Operator Phase 1 - Academic Training)
- Nuclear Power Training Unit / Prototype ( Mechanical Operator Phase 2 -
Operational Training)
- Level 1 / SUBSAFE Quality Assurance School
- Diesel Generator School
- Refrigerant / Air Conditioning Unit and Distilling Unit School
- Shift-Line component School
- Security and Evasion Tactics Training
- Submarine Damage Control School
- Naval Propulsion Plant Refresher Training
- Shipboard Instructor School
- Career Information and Counseling Course
- Leadership and Management Education Training
- Repair Parts Petty Officier School
- Machinist's Mate 'A' School
Activities and
- Physical Fitness: weight-lifting, swimming, and bicycling
- Foreign languages: Chinese and Japanese