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I'm a Chinese American and think of myself as being versatile and ethusiastic towar new skills and adventures. Yet, I manifest and maintain discipline. In other words, given the opportunity to calculate and balance my options, I'm not afarid to live at life's edge. Sedldom, do I act recklessly. When those occasion occurs, my action would usually be driven by an overpowering intuition or an improper inference from brain-fatigue. On the flip side, I see no harm in being happy-go-luck when the stake at risk is small. I consider myself always 'prime'-at-heart, thinking boyish thoughs as a man now as naturally as I thought of manish wishes when I was a boy.
Zen and Christainity intrigues me. I began investigating Zen while I was a teenager. I studied Christanity in College - even attended the weekly services and Catechism class at the local Lurtheran church. No blasphemy intented, I am especially curious about blending parts of Zen and Christanity into my personal code of conduct and emulate a Zen-Christain: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can't change,courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". I'm not an Alcohol Anonymous but that's my favorite prayer and the one I keep at heart. I first heard it on the opening to the Sinead O'connor compact disc titled "I DO NOT WANT WHAT I HAVEN'T GOT." Later, I learned that it's also a motto for Alcohol Anonymous. The message is concise and universally appealing and it's the level of mental and spiritual harmony I strive toward:
See God through Christianity, and develop a balance of serenity, courage, and wisdom via Zen. My choice for Zen and Christianity isn't deliberate nor intellectual. They simply are respectively the first and second religions I encountered. If I was born a stern Indian then my first and second religions could have easily been Islamism and Hinduism. Nevertheless, I would still seek some form of mental and spiritual harmony arbitrary called The Great Tao. IT IS GATELESS. Perhaps each religion represents one of many ways to it.
That's my attempt to KISS. Keep It Simple - Simon. My middle name consists of the two Chinese character `Ka' and `Ming' which combines to mean "a prominent or happy ancestry". There are many things which I want to tell you. What should I start with? If I'm thin I would look like Bruce Lee. If I gain weight then I look like Jackie Chan. They are movie actors from Hong Kong (my birthplace). Do you know them? I like physical fitness. I alternate my days swimming or lifting weights. I prefer bicycling for my daily commute even thought I own a `78 Ford Van, `80 Datsun 280ZX, `83 Honda Interceptor (motorcycle), `84 Datsun Sentra, and`84 Chevy S10. These vehicles now serve mostly as mementos. My other hobbies are now personal computing, foreign languages (Chinese and Japanese), blues and jazz guitar, and amateur astronomy. I work in the nuclear power industry as a radiological control technician. I like college and have accumulated more than 200+ credits in calculus, pysics, chemistry, general engineering, business & accounting, oceanography, electronics, humanities, and social sciences. It's a shame that I still have not earn a degree yet. I think it's because I'm afflicted with "Peter Pan" syndrome!!!
I like discussions in travel,reading, education, Zen, cultural variety and related topics. I spend age one through ten in Hong Kong (As the saying go: I would die a Chinese ghost - abate a very Americanized one). Between ten and thirteen, I lived in Bangkok, Thailand. Afterwards, my brother, sister and I moved to live near Fort Lewis, Washington with my G.I. step-father and natural mother. After high school, I served eight years in the U.S. Navy as a submariner. During that time, I've been in-and-out of college like the tides but keeping in sycn. with our boat schedules instead of the lunar cycles. The Navy rewarded me with several years of educational benefits for the service I've fullfilled. Thus, I'm presently juggling a full time job and college.
Is there a lady out there that's 'prime'-at-heart' who thinks girlish thoughs as a woman now as naturally as she thought of womanly wishes as a girl, one that's an independent free thinker and of strong conviction not necessarily in religion?